Foster Care

Shattered Part One: Author Jenell M. Jones Shares Her Foster to Adopt Story [S7E17]

February 15, 2024

Jenell M. Jones is the author of “Shattered,†a book…

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Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption: Rita Soronen, President and CEO, Speaks on Foster Care and Adoption [S7E16]

September 20, 2023

President & CEO of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption…

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Debt Free Adoption: Jessica Ross from Ramsey Solutions Shares Her Story [S7E10]

April 13, 2023

 Our guest on this episode comes to us from Tennessee…

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Adoption in Australia: Kaisey and Ashley Hayes Share Their Adoption Journey [S6E12]

May 12, 2022

This story comes to us from Australia!!! After a ten-year journey of failed IVF treatments, 9 miscarriages, 2 ectopic pregnancies, and unsuccessful attempts at surrogacy, Kaisey and Ashley share how their two incredible children …

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Ukraine, Foster Care, Infant and Embryo Adoption: Liz and Michael’s Story [S6E5]

March 17, 2022

The timing of this interview is amazing when so many orphans are in a country at war. 13 Children and wanting more!! In this interview, Liz talks about how her husband always wanted a big family.

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From Social Worker to Adoptive Mom: Veronica Arteaga’s Story

June 27, 2019

On this episode, host April Fallon interviews Veronica Arteaga. She is the vice president of children and family services at the California-based…

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Adopting Four Children From Foster Care

December 13, 2018

Lori Tapparo and her husband Kenny tried for 16 years to have biological children before they adopted. Lori shares the ups and downs of their journey and what it is like…

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Foster Care 101 [S3E11]

April 13, 2018

On this episode, April Fallon talks to Heather Clark, who fostered 22 children in 7 years. She gives us tips on how to prepare for the foster care journey and what to expect during the process. She is now a …

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