I Call You Mine

September 6, 2018

Kim de Blecourt is an award-winning author, international speaker and Executive Director of Nourished Hearts, a non-profit serving orphaned and vulnerable children.

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What NOT TO SAY to Adoptive Parents (And How to Get it Right)

August 30, 2018

Have you ever been to the grocery store and seen a family that made you wonder, “What’s their story?”

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August 22, 2018

On this podcast, April Fallon, the host of ADOPTION NOW, shares an update from the summer and talks about what is to come in the fourth season of the podcast.

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Open Adoption from the Adoptee’s Perspective

June 13, 2018

Last episode, we had Kelene on the show, who is a birth mother that made an adoption plan 26 years ago.

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A Birth Mother’s Journey Through Open Adoption

June 6, 2018

Kelene is a birth mother who placed her baby 26 years ago with a family she babysat for down the street. She had an open adoption with her daughter, Chrissy, and this…

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Self Care for Adoptive Parents – Part 2 [S3E15]

May 31, 2018

Chris Prange-Morgan wrote an article that was published in the Huffington Post on “Trauma” after she and her husband adopted two kids from China. She suffered from PTSD …

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Self Care for Adoptive Parents – Part 1 [S3E14]

May 23, 2018

Chris Prange-Morgan wrote an article that was published in the Huffington Post on “Trauma” after she adopted two kids from China. She suffered PTSD after bringing home her son who had severe medical …

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Adopting From Haiti [S3E13]

May 3, 2018

After Laura led a medical mission trip to Haiti she knew she wanted to adopt from there. The process took 3 1/2 years but finally they brought home their 5 year old little girl. On this episode Laura shares about …

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How to Support a Family Who is Adopting

April 25, 2018

April Fallon invites her mom, Mary, and her husband, Noah, to share what they have learned during their seven adoption experiences…

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Foster Care 101 [S3E11]

April 13, 2018

On this episode, April Fallon talks to Heather Clark, who fostered 22 children in 7 years. She gives us tips on how to prepare for the foster care journey and what to expect during the process. She is now a …

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