Check Out the ADOPTION NOW All Episodes

The Lucky Few – Heather Avis [S2E10]

September 27, 2017

Heather Avis and her husband are parents of three adopted children, two of whom have Down Syndrome. At the start of their adoption journey, they set out to adopt a healthy…

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Renee’s Story [S2E9]

September 20, 2017

Today on the podcast, we are so excited to feature Renee Hettich’s story of her experience adopting 4 children internationally. One of her children is from Guatemala, and three of them…

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Chung and Andra’s Story [S2E8]

September 13, 2017

ADOPTION NOW has our first story from Canada! Andra and her husband, Chung, were our first family to apply from a different country. Tune in this week to hear about the Canadian foster care system…

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Talking About Trauma with Carrie O’Toole [S2E7]

August 30, 2017

Do you have questions about PTSD related to adoption? Do you struggle as a parent to understand a child that has experienced early childhood trauma? On this episode of ADOPTION…

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Beverly Boerner-Reynolds’ Story [S2E6]

August 23, 2017

Beverly Boerner-Reynolds is an adoptive mother from Texas who wrote a book about the love a birthmother has for her child. When she first met her son’s birthmother she thought maybe…

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Natalie and Stephen’s Story [S2E5]

August 16, 2017

Stephen and Natalie had dreams of adopting from the foster care system but the process was not as easy as they had hoped it would be. By a miracle they heard of an infant situation…

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Annie Peguero’s Story [S2E4]

August 9, 2017

This week on ADOPTION NOW – “Telling Your Adoption Story,” Annie Peguero joins the show! Annie was adopted as an infant, and though she loved her parents very much, she wondered about…

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Ashley Mitchell – Big Tough Girl [S2E3]

July 26, 2017

Ashley is a birthmother who placed her son 11 years ago and is navigating through open adoption. She talks very openly about the pain she went through the years after placement and now she…

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Victor Mitchell [S2E2]

July 19, 2017

This week on ADOPTION NOW, April Fallon interviews Victor Mitchell, candidate for Governor of Colorado. It’s important when you start the adoption process to know your state law on adoption…

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Nightlight Christian Adoptions [S2E1]

July 5, 2017

This week on ADOPTION NOW April Fallon interviews her social workers from Nightlight Christian Adoptions. Meaghan and Corie talk about their four adoption programs at Nightlight…

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