Finding Her Birth Mother [S3E6]

37 years after her adoption, Sarah finds her birth family through She flies to Texas to meet them and to hear the real story behind her adoption. Check out this episode!

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Ghost Pregnancy – Part 1 [S3E7A]

ADOPTION NOW was a part of this adoption story with Thurman Law firm in Florida. He was a perfect baby boy born to a college athlete who was told 8 times by a doctor she was not pregnant! One night, she ends up in a hospital with stomach problems and ends up delivering a healthy…

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Human Trafficking and Adoption [S3E3]

John DeYoung returns to ADOPTION NOW. He was adopted from Korea and has now started Shift Freedom Conference. On this episode, April Fallon talks to John about Adoption and Human Trafficking. If you are in the adoption world, this is something you must be aware of. Check out this episode!

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Foster Care and Project 1.27 [S2E18]

We are finishing National Adoption Month with this great interview about Foster Care! Meaghan Nally from Nightlight Christian Adoptions and Shelly Radic from Project 1.27 discuss the extreme need for foster families across the USA, and the sense of urgency in Colorado in particular. Meaghan breaks down exactly how the process works and what it is that they look…

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Maliyah Kate’s Adoption Story [S2E19]

When the host of ADOPTION NOW, April Fallon, started this show she had no idea that she would be in the middle of an adoption while interviewing other families on this topic. When she and her husband got a call about a biological sibling to their youngest daughter, the journey began. It was not easy…

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Starting ADOPTION NOW [S3E1]

New ADOPTION NOW Podcast! April Fallon, the Host of ADOPTION NOW, opens up with her husband about the journey of adoption they have been on. Adoption has changed their lives. They talk about the joy and challenges that has brought them closer in their marriage and increased their faith. This season they are on a…

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Katie & Scott’s Story [S2E16]

We are SO excited to be featuring our first embryo adoption donor family story today on the podcast! Katie and Scott were a bit older when they decided that they wanted children, and after researching both fostering and adoption, they were heartbroken and discouraged. After a fateful lunch with a good friend, the idea of…

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The Lucky Few – Heather Avis [S2E10]

Heather Avis and her husband are parents of three adopted children, two of whom have Down Syndrome. At the start of their adoption journey, they set out to adopt a healthy baby, but after meeting their future daughter Macy, a baby girl with both Down Syndrome and a congenital heart defect that would require surgery…

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Angela Rushing’s Story [S2E12]

Today on the podcast we have a birth mother story from California. Angela Rushing shares her story of how she was brought up in a traumatic household with an alcoholic father and passive aggressive mother, and how this situation ultimately led her to feel unwanted and unnurtured. Before she knew it, she had undergone 2…

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Sara Berry’s Story [S2E13]

We have all heard stories of people who adopt children from abroad and of people who adopt children with disabilities, but today we have a story with both. Sara Berry and her husband were parents to 5 beautiful children when their faith lead them on a path that resulted in the adoption of two children…

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