Cherie Burton: Birth Mother and Adoptive Mother [S4E6]

On today’s episode, Cherie Burton shares her story as a birth mother in an open adoption and an adoptive mother. She is an author, international speaker, and former Mrs. Utah. She and her husband have two biological children together and they have adopted two babies. She talks about the heartbreak and peace she experienced as…

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Adopted From Korea – Meg Nyberg’s Story [S4E7]

Meg was adopted from Seoul, Korea at the age of 6 months to a family in Northern Minnesota. She grew up shy, introverted and misunderstood by many of her teachers and peers. Although she attached to her adoptive parents, whom she loved very much, she struggled with depression. On this episode Meg talks with April…

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Adopting a Baby from India [S4E8]

Nellya and her husband had two biological children and they were fostering a child when they decided to adopt a baby from India. In the process they found out they were pregnant and then said yes to 3 more foster children! Their house was full as they waited to bring home baby Millie. When the…

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Arrow and Root [S4E9]

On this episode, our featured guest is Mallory Fogas, who started the company Arrow and Root to create modern adoption profile books. Today, you will not only hear how their adoption profile books help adoptive families, but you will hear the story of how these adorable kids became a family! Mallory has a passion and…

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Becky Fawcett with [S4E10]

Becky Fawcett is an adoptive mother of two children. As she was adopting she realized the cost was so high that she had to do something to help other families bring home their children. She started, an equality based organization that seeks to reduce the financial burden of adoption by awarding large, life-changing, problem-solving…

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Adoption from Nigeria [S4E4]

When Shane and Beth got married, Shane did not want children. They got pregnant unexpectedly and that changed everything. After baby Allen’s 1st birthday the couple decided to go on an adoption journey to Nigeria, Africa. On this episode, Beth takes us through all the challenges and blessings they experienced bringing sweet Ruth home…then Beth…

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